is a division of Speckled Frog LLC. All content is copyright copyright ©2014 – 2019 Shelly Rivoli, all rights reserved.
We occasionally accept free or discounted travel, and relevant products or gear, when it coincides with our editorial goals for this website. Please note: We never accept samples or discounts with the promise of positive review, however, and our opinions remain our own.
Where possible, related affiliate links are used on pages of the website and in blog posts as a means of partially funding the operational costs of this website and blog, and to help direct our visitors to the sources where they may find more information or the products or services recommended here (note: when affiliate links are not available, we link to our recommended resources regardless!).
We encourage our visitors to keep these realities of funding “free content” in mind when visiting all websites and blogs, and hope to continue providing helpful information and insightful recommendations at no cost to readers and with no subscription required.